Conference Venue

Soochow University, China | 苏州大学 


Situated in the historical and picturesque city of Suzhou, a metropolis well reputed in the world for its classic gardens, Soochow University is a key university of “Project 211”, one of the first-batch universities of the “2011 Plan”, a member of "the Double First-Class" Initiative and a provincial key comprehensive university of Jiangsu Province jointly sponsored by the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense and Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government. As its predecessor, Soochow University ( Pinyin: DōngwúDàxué, established in 1900) spearheaded the Western-style education and incorporated the quintessence of Chinese and Western cultures, making it the first university in China run with a modern university disciplinary system. In the history of China’s higher education, Soochow University (DōngwúDàxué) had been the forerunner of the education in the science of law (specifically, Anglo-American law), the earliest in the education for graduate students and the conferring of Master's degree and the first in initiating academic journals. In 1952, in following the restructuring of colleges and departments in China, the School of Arts and Sciences of Soochow University (DōngwúDàxué) merged with the Southern Jiangsu College of Culture and Education and the Department of Mathematics and Physics of Jiangnan University to form the Southern Jiangsu Teachers’ College, which was later renamed as Jiangsu Teacher's College in the same year. In 1982, the English name Soochow University was revived in 1982. After that, Suzhou College of Sericulture, Suzhou Institute of Silk Textile Technology and Suzhou Medical College were merged into the University in 1995, 1997 and 2000 successively. From the galaxy of star scholars in the Republic of China to the audacious innovations in the People’s Republic, Soochow University has gone down further in the history of China’s higher education from the fast perseverance in the fine tradition of normal education to the strategic transformation and return to a comprehensive university and from the leaping development facilitated by the joining of multiple colleges to the glorious efforts to be a top university. 

苏州大学坐落于素有“人间天堂”之称的历史文化名城苏州,是国家“211工程”“2011计划”首批入列高校,是教育部与江苏省人民政府共建“双一流”建设高校、国家航天局共建高校,是江苏省属重点综合性大学。苏州大学前身是Soochow University(东吴大学,1900年创办),开现代高等教育之先河,融中西文化之菁华,是中国最早以现代大学学科体系举办的大学。在中国高等教育史上,东吴大学是最早开展研究生教育并授予硕士学位、最先开展法学(英美法)专业教育,也是第一家创办学报的大学。1952年中国大陆院系调整,由东吴大学之文理学院、苏南文化教育学院、江南大学之数理系合并组建苏南师范学院,同年更名为江苏师范学院。1982年,学校更名苏州大学(Soochow University)。其后,苏州蚕桑专科学校(1995年)、苏州丝绸工学院(1997年)和苏州医学院(2000年)等相继并入苏州大学。从民国时期的群星璀璨,到共和国时代的开拓创新;从师范教育的文脉坚守,到综合性大学的战略转型与回归;从多校合并的跨越发展,到争创一流的重塑辉煌,苏州大学在中国高等教育史上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔。