Invited Speakers

AAME 2025 Invited Speakers
Prof. Hongchu Chen | 陈鸿初教授
Zhejiang University, China | 浙江大学

陈鸿初,浙江浦江人,1989年8月出生。浙江大学航空航天学院百人计划研究员,博士生导师。主要从事高超声速飞行器气动热辨识、导热反问题、先进热工测量等领域的研究。在航空航天和传热学核心期刊 AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Numerical Heat Transfer, Applied Mathematical Modelling 等期刊发表论文十余篇。在美国田纳西大学期间参与美国国家航空航天局(NASA)用埋在隔热瓦内部的热传感器反演辨识热防护系统表面温度和热流密度的项目;深入研究用导热反问题方法反演辨识高超声速气动热的新的解析和数值方法,并开展验证实验。研究了多种热防护材料的热物性和表面的气动热,如碳碳复合材料、氧化锆、硼化锆等。担任 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Applied Mathematical Modelling, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Annals of Nuclear Energy 等重要国际期刊的审稿人。  

Title of Speech: Hypersonic Aerodynamic Heat Prediction by Solving Inverse Heat Conduction Problems 


Assoc. Prof. Xuhui Li | 李旭晖副教授
Harbing Engineering University, China | 哈尔滨工程大学

Xuhui Li is an associate professor at Harbin Engineering University. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from Kyushu University(Japan) in 2016, and conducted postdoctoral research at Ecole Centrale Nantes(France) and Southern University of Science and Technology(China) from 2016 to 2020. Currently, his research primarily focuses on computational fluid dynamics in naval architecture and ocean engineering, particularly involving the theory, algorithms, and GPU parallel computing of the lattice Boltzmann method and high-order finite volume method, as well as their applications in complex free-surface flows, cavitation, noise and related fields. He has presided over more than 10 projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China General Program, and has published over 20 papers.  

Title of Speech: A Multiple-relaxation-times Regularized Lattice Boltzmann Collision Model: From Weakly Compressible to Compressible Flow 

Abstract: In the present work, a regularized lattice Boltzmann collision model is proposed. In the proposed collision model, only the moment or moment combination which are of translational invariance and rotational invariance can be distributed an independent relaxation rate. This constraint or principal realized the rigorous independent relaxation process of different transport phenomena. Recently, this regularized lattice Boltzmann collision model with multiple-relaxation-times (RLB-MRT) has been extended to multiphase/multicomponent lattice Boltzmann models, such as Shan-Chen model and Phase field model, which can be applied in the cavitation flow and free surface flow. 


Dr. Zhaolin Chen | 陈肇麟博士
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China | 南京航空航天大学

Dr. Zhaolin Chen obtained both his MEng (Aerospace Engineering) in 2009 and his Ph.D (Aerodynamics) in 2014 from the University of Sheffield, UK. He started his carrier working as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at the University of Sheffield after his Pd.D under Professor Ning Qin. From 2015 to 2018, he served as a Senior Engineer in the Turbomachinery Design Department at FlaktGroup Ltd. in the United Kingdom. In 2019, He joined in the department of aircraft design of NanJing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA). Research wise, his field of study focuses on the development of computational methods for solving governing fluid flow equations as well as optimization techniques. Specific research areas encompass steady and unsteady flow simulation solutions, mesh deformation techniques, optimization methodologies, and aerodynamic-structural coupling. Specific applications encompass aerodynamic and aeroacoustic simulation as well as optimization of wings and rotor blades. Recent efforts have concentrated on the design of aerial vehicles for Mars exploration. This includes the development of multi-fidelity codes for rotor design, aero-structural optimization of rotors, and performing experimental tests simulating the Martian environment.  

Title of Speech: Experimental and Numerical Study on the Aerodynamic Performance of a Mars Counter-Rotor System 

Abstract: This study explores the aerodynamic behavior of Mars rotor systems (single/coaxial configurations) through experimental and computational methods. Validation tests on standard APC propellers showed less than 5% deviation between simulations and experiments. Detailed analysis of an ultra-thin blade rotor system revealed pitch-angle-dependent flow mechanisms.: At \phi=\ 15.8°, a stable leading-edge separation bubble forms on the upper surface, which is penetrated and split by shock waves in the tip region (r/R≈0.7-0.9) with increasing rotation speed, creating shock-separation bubble interaction. For \phi=\ 19.8°, mid-span shock-vortex interactions (r/R=0.5-0.75) with different phase vortex shedding phenomena, demonstrating the intricate dynamics of compressible low-Reynolds flows. Systematic evaluation of pitch angles (15.8°-19.8°) elucidates critical performance trade-offs for Martian hovering rotors. Additionally, reduced rotor spacing ratio (H/D=0.09) amplifies nonlinear aerodynamic interactions, lowering thrust-power ratios (upper rotor: 52.7% of a single rotor) due to altered effective angles of attack. Larger spacing (H/D=0.18) mitigates interference, improving upper and lower rotor thrust-power ratio to 92.3% and 72%, respectively. Doubling spacing nearly doubles thrust (7.42 N achieved at 2103 RPM vs. 3124 RPM for H/D=0.09), reducing blade interference and shortening leading-edge separation bubbles. This enhances system efficiency, elevating the Figure of Merit to 0.602 and narrowing the efficiency gap with single rotors from 32.6% to 7.1%. Optimal spacing balances thrust performance and rotational energy consumption.